Holtsgata 8, 806 Bláskógabyggð
GPS coordinates of the house
64° 9.984'N, 20° 27.777’W
Apple Plans ( best solution )
If you use Apple Plan, you can find the address with the app
Google Maps
If you use Google Map, you won't find this address, this area is not registered yet
GPS coordinates of the house:
Take the road number 1 (ring road) from Reykjavík to Hveragerði
After you’ve passed Hveragerði and right before Selfoss, turn left to take the road number 35 to "Geysir"
Stay on road 35 for about 45km (27 minutes), you’ll see signs for Grimsnes, Minni-Borg, Skálholt (on the right) and Torfastaðir (on the left).
600 meters before Reykholt (where there is the N1 gas station) turn right to the direction of Reykjavellir, Goðatún (blue signs on the side of the road )
Go straight ahead and turn left at the junction
Continue on this road, there will be a sign for Goðatún and Sólvellir on your right. Do not take this road, keep straigh ahead.
Go through the grey fence and take the first right after the gate (about 50 meters) (HOLTSGATA sign)
There are 2 houses in this street. Yours will be the last one at the end of the road.
If you use, you can find the address with the app
Holtsgata 8, 806 Bláskógabyggð